To treat leukemia, patients receive a stem cell transplant. These stem cells are processed and prepared under strict safety conditions, where it is important that this is done in a sterile manner. The patients are very susceptible to infections. That is why the processing of these stem cell transplants takes place in a clean room. The current clean room dates from 1998 and is in serious need of replacement.
However, the clean room cannot simply be closed, because the production of the Hematology transplantation lab has now increased to around 300 products per year and we cannot simply close the current lab for renovation. That is why a new location had to be found where the new clean room could be built while the old one is still functional. That process is quite difficult when you consider that the sliding space in the Erasmus MC is only a few percent and there doesn't seem to be any room left.

After years of searching, negotiating, designing and drawing, we have finally reached the point where the new clean rooms can be built, and how! Within a few weeks, the walls of the new clean rooms were up and the laboratory employees were allowed to take a look at “their” new cleanroom.
Now comes the real work and the technology is built. Ultimately, we expect the cleanrooms to be completed in November this year. After this, the laboratory will have the task of validating the cleanrooms for use and ultimately the lab will move in phases in the first half of 2025.
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